Discover Your Dream Smile with Aging and Dental Health

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To ensure your smile has the highest chance of oral health care success, always make sure you’re practicing useful oral hygiene routines, such as visiting your dentist for routine checkups and examinations and eating a healthy diet that is full of nutritious meals.
In order to make sure your smile last for the rest of your life, you need to care for it on a day-to-day basis continually. This includes brushing your teeth twice every day and flossing once a day as well. When brushing, always seek out effective tools that include brushes with soft bristles and toothpaste that is non-abrasive. When flossing your teeth, try to use a threaded floss that will not shred too easily.
For additional help, visit your dentist for product recommendations or suggestions. If you struggle with any muscle or joint pain when brushing or flossing, try using easier to operate tools such as electric toothbrushes and water flossers. Also, if you have any dentures, it is essential to remove them on a daily basis and clean them as well.
Exercise caution with any extra activities you may take, as it is crucial to guard your teeth against the risks of oral accidents and injuries. Furthermore, eliminate all bad habits from your life including smoking or chewing tobacco, as they can severely hinder your oral health. Always exercise caution with any medications you’re taking as they can produce dry mouth as a side effect.
Take your smile to the next level with aging dental health treatments. If you are ready to take the next step to achieve a fantastic smile with aging dental health treatments, please schedule an appointment with Pine Ridge Dental at our dentist office in Lincoln, Nebraska, by calling 402-423-1100 today. Dr. Tom Tetrick and the rest of our team look forward to helping you with all of your oral health care needs.