How would you rank your oral health care? Are you seeking out all options and supplementary techniques and treatment tools to ensure your teeth and gums are well cared for? On occasion, there are times when brushing and flossing could use an upgrade or even additional help beyond the services they can provide. Listed below are a few common tips to improve your oral health care:
– Do you floss at least once per day with a shred-resistant floss?
– Do you eat a balanced diet with nutritious foods from all five major food groups?
– Do you actively avoid snacking between meals?
– Do you ever wash away harmful particles from your teeth after meals with alternatives cleaners such as sugarless gum or mouthwash?
– Do you schedule and attend regular checkups and exams at your dentist including bi-annual cleanings?
– Do you use safety gear when playing sports?
– Do you avoid dangerous habits that are bad for your health including using drugs or smoking?
– Do you ever follow your dentist’s recommendations or instructions for better oral health care or as a guide for potential products to use?
For more advice and help from our team at Pine Ridge Dental, come in for a visit. If you would like an oral exam from Dr. Tom Tetrick, please book an appointment to come see us at our dentist office in Lincoln, Nebraska. We can be reached at 402-423-1100. We are here to help you get the healthy smile of your dreams!