If you have a toothache in Lincoln, Nebraska, then the first thing you can do is identify the cause of the pain. Oftentimes, something small or mundane is causing the ache. If this is the case for you, then there’s no need to worry. However, there are other times when something more severe and serious is causing the ache. That is when you need to call Pine Ridge Dental and schedule an appointment with your dentist, Dr. Tom Tetrick.
The more typical causes of a toothache include:
–Tooth decay: Tooth decay is one of the most common causes of a toothache. If you rinse with saltwater and brush and floss your teeth but the pain won’t recede, there is a high chance tooth decay is causing the pain.
–Infection: Oftentimes, infection in the gums, like an abscessed tooth, causes tooth decay. Usually, an abscess involves a bump or swelling in the nearby gums.
–Fractures: A fractured tooth can easily cause a toothache. Tooth fractures often occur when you experience a hard blow to the face or when you bite down on something hard.
–Damaged dental work: A broken dental crown, dental bridge, or dental filling can be causing your toothache. It’s best to visit your dentist to get your dental restoration repaired so your pain goes away.
–Something stuck between your teeth: The most common cause of a toothache is something stuck between the teeth. All you need to do is brush, floss, and rinse and it will likely fall out of place. If it doesn’t, talk to your dentist about getting it professionally removed.
If you have a toothache because of tooth decay, infection, a tooth fracture, or damaged dental work, then it’s important that you call 402-423-1100 and schedule an appointment as soon as possible. If you delay treatment, there is a chance the issue could get worse. We look forward to helping you!